Thursday, February 7, 2008

Still here.....

..... I hit that all-perfect, all-knowing perfect storm of blogging and running: I got sick, work's been crazy, and oh yeah - not to mention the writer's block. Oh, the writer's block. I sit at the computer staring at the screen like a jackal without prey (I know, poor analogy - see what I mean?).

Apparently my gray matter has taken a hit in addition to my alveoli. Hopefully it'll all return soon. But first I gotta stop hacking!!! Which is why I missed my first 2 scheduled races this year - Frosty's and the Screamin' Snowman Crap. Anyway, this weekend is a beautiful Hall Ranch run. Perhaps I'll hack up that final bit of particulate matter that's been inhibiting my full lung capacity lately and be on my merry way. And be back on my merry blog. Cheerio!


Bill Braine said...

You just start typing. It's like running very early in the morning. You have to lean into it and then you keep going so you don't fall. Pretty soon you warm up.

Dave T Butler said...

Ah, Mr. Braine - always such simple wods from you. And judging by your own site, not only do you follow your own advice, but you follow it well. Thank you sir, I'll be back at it soon.

funkylegs said...

I keep a list of topics to draw from and then add to it as stuff pops in my head. You don’t necessarily need to write about what happened today. I like to write about stuff in the past, too, simply because if I didn’t, the memory would disappear with time.

Hope you’re feeling better, dude!
