Saturday, November 24, 2007

Insomnia, Part 1

So, after going to bed pretty damned early for a Friday eve (especially on a holiday weekend), I inexplicably awoke at 1:45am this morn. My mind is churning with thought. I tossed and turned until about 2:20 and in hopes of not waking Veener, I figured to get up and do something to quell the thoughts and get back to bed. What the hell was keeping me up??? Oh, evil maelstrom. Then it hit me - I had the new Trail Runner mag (December 2007, Issue 49) sitting on the desk and I haven't setup my 2008 event schedule yet. Obviously.

It's now 11:15am and after cooking breakfast for the hard-working lady and myself, a fresh pan of cinammon buns waiting for the oven, and some new IRA and investment spreadsheets, I still haven't gotten to my 2008 event schedule. Nor have I gotten back to sleep. Drat. Until later....


funkylegs said...

I'm building my 2008 schedule, too, although not losing much sleep over it! Looking forward to some destination races this year. SDU, fer sure! Calico - interesting....


Mark said...

Good Lord. The 21st century crashes hard into the consciousness of my Brother the Ludditte.
David T. is blogging? Inconceivable. I will surely subscribe, scribe, but will try to restrain from commenting on an activity so foreign to me that my ignorance will surely show.

Oh, and Kevin Chang says hello.

Mark said... going to post more stuff or what? What does a guy have to do to find out shit about his brother? Sheesh.