Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Blog De-Virginizing

Well, well, well, here I am. Unaware and unbeheld. Strange feeling really. Never felt I'd have the "need" to feel so vulnerable. But I suppose that's what life tends towards. So, why not grasp it and hang on for the ride? Enjoy it - though you may not comprehend at that moment in time. Nor am I figuring on what I am getting in to. Very strange.

My creative outlet(s) has taken a turn for the nothing in recent years thanks in large part to that so-called "work" thing. The client must be satisfied, much like many different types of situations - it is rarely you that comes first. Not a bad thing. Just a thing that one must come to realize is the norm. And when you get your proper due, have at it. Enjoy it.

Anyway, I plan on writing about many different topics through this outlet, but the majority will be focused on trail running and outdoorsy "stuff" as those are my favorite things to do. In addition, music and general entertainment, social commentary (I'll try and keep that one to a minimum), and travel will also be peppered in here. Plus your gratuitous miscellaneous stuffs when those somewhat out-of-the-ordinary-things-may-occur will surface as well.

Might I infringe upon your many liberties and you share your own as we venture through this thing called life? OK then. After all, we're all in it together.


funkylegs said...

Dude - Great photo! I'm glad to see you putting your writing talents to work. See you on the trails again soon.


Dave T Butler said...

Thanks dude - feels good to get some stuff out my head and onto our generation's version of "paper." Thanks for the inspiration!