Sunday, March 23, 2008

Home? Or Home?

So, the lady and I returned from a New Year's trip to New York back in January and I started this post not long after. New York is the state where we were both born and raised. I left New York in 1995 when I was 23 years old. At the time, I simply needed to experience something more than "The City that never sleeps." Or the Island that sleeps in lieu of New York City. Anyway, here I still live, two time zones and 1,818 miles away (according to Google Maps).

One of the most common questions I seem to hear is, "Don't you miss the ocean?" And the honest answer is no, I do not. The ocean is magnificent, beautiful, and powerful. I appreciate it when I see it. And I dare not speak to the negative about the qualities of growing up on Long Island - it's a great place to grow up. But I can honestly say, I LOVE being landlocked here in Colorado.

The second most common question I seem to hear is, "Do you ever get homesick?" Hmmmmm, I thought I was home here in Colorado. We own our home here. We work here and pay taxes here. I thought this is home. Or is it? Where is home? What is home? And is "it" what you make it? In this day and age of folks jet-setting and moving to and fro all willy-nilly, one cannot help but wonder, where is home anymore? And is "it" truly what you make it?

I thought this post was going to be much longer and require a whole bunch more thought - philosophical or otherwise. But perhaps not. Perhaps you can just toss your thoughts this way. Start one of them good ol'-fashioned discussions.

So, where are you from? And where exactly is "home?"

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