Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MS150 Ride -- 2008 Version

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of those all-too-common things many hear, but few know about or understand. I figure between now and when I die, me or someone I know and love, will be diagnosed with MS, or cancer, or CP, or a host of many other brutal diseases and debilitating conditions that inhibit one's life and ability to live. While we are healthy and able, let's do something. Make a donation, volunteer, speak out, raise money, make a positive difference any way you can and know how. Every year across the US, thousands ride their bikes one weekend out of the year in cities east and west, north and south, to raise money for MS.

Last year, Veener did this ride. This year, I am joining her. We are riding on the same team, Left Hand Brewing with Captain Mick.

Please click on this link to simply educate yourself about MS. If you are so inclined to donate, thank you. If not, I understand - but do educate yourself, please.

To donate, please click on this link:

And then click on my name.

Thanks for reading, donating, and being educated!


PS - If I get $500. in donations, I will do the Century Option (100 miles instead of 75) on one of the 2 days. If I raise $1,000. or more, I will do the Century Option BOTH days. Make me work people!

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