Monday, December 31, 2007

Another year gone by.......

So, I've had a couple new posts in the queue for a week or two now, but haven't been energetic enough to complete to my satisfaction. So, as a goodbye to 2007, I have the following random thoughts/self-indulgent brainstorming list to present:

--> I officially start my 2007 training season on Tuesday, January 1 to accomplish the 25-mile version of The Gemini Adventures-sponsored Trail Running Festival. Giddyap. This basically means I cut back on my consumption of beer, booze, refined sugar, and saturated fats for the next 4 months - all the while running about 25-40 miles a week. Wait, WTF am I doing?!?

--> I hope to do my first 50K, or perhaps - 50-miler - later on in the spring or summer. Suggestions anyone?

--> I look forward to a new baseball season. One not shrouded in a drug-induced haze. It'd be nice to feel like I'm 10 again. And could someone please tell Jose Canseco to shut the eff up? No one cares about him anymore.

--> I look forward to my runs in the snow. And my runs in the wind. And my runs in the heat. And sun. And clouds. And summer storms in Colorado. To running - period.

--> I look forward to a new president-elect. Jesus H., save us please. Get this war-mongering, self-indulgent, power-grabbing, all-too-consequential, excuse-making, track-covering, poor-excuse-for-a-Christian, crooked, lame, not intelligent AND lacking common sense, craptacular "president" out of what used to be (before his "election") the most powerful and respected office in the world.

--> To weather of all kind. Regardless of the all-too-apparent global cimate change upon us. It is nature after all - and can one on either side of the argument truly prove it one way or the other? Really. And besides, in Colorado - you don't like the weather? Wait a minute or two.

--> To some really good new music. And to the reunion tour of Van Halen. And your favorite local act.

--> To ever-enduring optimism and love abound.


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